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Sunday, January 15, 2012

Why I'm An English Major

So, as some of you reading this blog may already be aware, my schedule is rather crazy this semester. I mean, I know we all have busy lives, and I don’t mean to minimalize anyone’s personal schedules/trials, but I have a busier schedule this semester more than ever (hence my lack of posts the past week). However, I’m able to do it because I absolutely love the courses I have to take (minus Spanish). After pondering on this and reading a post from another one of my friends, I thought I’d write down just a few of the reasons I’m in this major that too many people think is worthless.
So, among many other college undergrads, I had a very difficult time deciding on a major. I think I may have always had ADD, I just didn’t realize it until I 20 years after the fact. As a kid, I loved reading books. If not for movies, I probably would have been grounded from reading at times. My family inherited a couple hundred children’s books when I was growing up, so I was constantly surrounded by them. If I’m really honest though, I didn’t read probably half of them. I tended to stick to the ones I loved: The Bernstein Bears, Arthur, etc. Before I learned to enjoy English, I knew that I could get through my English classes for this reason alone.
2. I love exploring different perspectives. If you want to be an English major, you must be willing to read a lot, and A LOT of things that you don’t want to initially. This was one of the reasons that I struggled with making this my major because I felt like I encountered so much gratuitous material in the works I read. But as time has passed and I’ve matured a lot, I’ve become much more tolerant of such materials because I understand their context, not because I accept the behavior portrayed. There is a huge difference between tolerance and apathy, and I certainly do not associate with the latter.
However, nothing frustrates me more when people simply refuse to read or view something because it may have unsavory material. I understand that in many cases that we are fed unnecessary trash. We don’t need to look any farther than our TV sets to find that. I guess what frustrates me is when people look only at the rating reasons below the MPAA stamp on the DVD and don’t bother to read the plot summary. I’m aware that Satan’s influence is rampant in the world today and I don’t care to view material that he inspires others to create. But, I believe that Heavenly Father gave us agency to USE it, to think and make decisions for ourselves, not just surrender it in every case. It would have been SO much easier to do things Satan’s way after all. But, Heavenly Father gave us agency because He wants us to LEARN for ourselves.
3. I have ample opportunities to better understand my own faith and beliefs. As I read various stories from all kinds of different authors, I’m exposed on a regular basis to belief systems that often do not coincide with my own. As I consider these things, I’m always reminded of the power that the gospel of Jesus Christ has in my life, and that I would not at all be where I am today without it. No matter what I encounter as I continue my studies and research, I will NEVER let go of my testimony of the things I know to be true. I’d change majors before changing my beliefs any day.
4. I have a passion for research, particularly regarding literature and film. As lame is it sounds, I’ve rather liked writing some of the papers I’ve written in the past because of them relating to a film I had viewed. Last night I was in the library later than I usually am, but for the first time, it was because I was genuinely enjoying my time there. I have so many questions to be answered by what I’m reading that sometimes I don’t want to stop. When I find something to be passionate about in research, it consumes me. It’s helped confirm that going on to be a professor is definitely something that I can find enjoyment in. This semester I’m blessed to have three classes that I’m very passionate about and so while the load on my hands is huge, it’s totally doable.
I’m so grateful to have the talents and abilities I do. Without them, I would never have set foot in this major, nor would I have the perspectives that I do.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Upside of Failing

This past semester for the first time in my academic career, I flunked a class. Not a C, not even a D, a straight up F (or an E in BYU grades, since apparently we're too cool to use F's). I had hoped that by doing the minimal amount of work for my Spanish class that somehow I'd be able to get by. However, given that it is pass/fail class, I couldn't get anything lower than a B- if I wanted to pass. Over the break, to my great dismay, I discovered that I would be retaking the class. At first, I was infuriated. Partly at my teacher, but mostly at myself. Why had I been kidding myself the entire semester? At what point did I honestly believe that my meager efforts would magically amount to a passing grade?

While part of me still wishes I could have avoided the entire experience altogether, I'm grateful for what this experience has taught me. If I want to get a passing grade, I can't just be hoping to get by when I don't put forth my best efforts. This coming semester I've vowed to put forth more effort and energy than before in my Spanish classes. I've been too lackadaisical the past semester in my studies, and this is just what I needed to help me recognize that I can't keep doing what I have. While I know this is going to make things more hectic this semester, I look forward to having this opportunity to do better than I have before.

I'm so glad that Heavenly Father gives us second chances as well and that when we fail, we have the opportunity to use the Atonement of Jesus Christ to overcome our challenges and weaknesses. It is by no means a simple process, just like obtaining a passing grade, but it can be done. The Lord allows us to fail so we may more fully recognize our dependence upon Him. I love this song by Kenneth Cope because it reminds me that when we feel broken and like we are beyond repair, the Savior can step into our lives and help us overcome whatever challenges we are facing. So next time you find yourself failing at something, don't get too down on yourself. Remember that if the Lord is willing to let us fail at times, He is more than willing to help us get back on our feet and become better than we were before.