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Saturday, November 19, 2011

We Are Never Forgotten

This hasn't been the easiest of weeks for me, which explains my lack of posts since Monday. Usually I have a plethora of ideas coming into my head for my posts, but my mind has been a little more lost than usual. Today I decided to go to the temple and do an endowment session for the first time in too long. I enjoy doing other ordinances in the temple, but there's something special to me about doing endowment sessions.

As I sat pondering in the temple, I turned to one of my favorite sections in the Doctrine and Covenants, section 122, where the Lord is counseling Joseph Smith and reassuring him that even though his situation at the moment looks bleaker than ever, things will work out, and it will ultimately be for his good. As I read over verse 8, I was reminded of a truth I had forgotten for a moment. "The Son of Man hath descended below [all things]. Art thou greater than he?" I know the Lord doesn't play favorites, but if He did, surely the Savior would be it. And yet, even He suffered pain. Pain beyond that which I cannot comprehend with my mortal mind. Knowing that reminds me that the Lord allows me to experience trials to help me become the person that He wants to be, and even though I don't understand all the reasons why, these trying experiences will be for my good. This video is a musical rendition of this scripture, combined with Isaiah 54:10, from a recent musical about Joseph Smith and the Restoration. It is so powerful, and I never fail to hear this song in my head when I read either of these scriptures. They also remind me that the Lord is more than aware of us and our trials, that His kindness will never depart from us, and that we are never forgotten.

1 comment:

  1. This is beautiful - thanks for sharing. And there is one thing I know about rough weeks - they will be repeated, but will also be followed by very golden ones.
