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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Soccer, Misunderstanding, and Prejudice

So this is not the best of quality but you notice in the center left there is a goal which was used to play World Cup Soccer tonight for German Week. There was a pretty good turnout! There were several teams comprised of three people, with each team representing a different country. Among the countries represented were: China, South Africa, Brazil, and of course Germany! I believe the Chinese dominated, but if I'm wrong, I'm sure the Daily Universe will provide better coverage of the event in the next couple days. Thanks to all who came and supported tonight!
There was a rather interesting question written question in chalk towards the front office of Lone Peak High School today. I meant to take a pic of it, but it was washed away. In essence it said, "I was born gay. Were you born with hatred?" Above it was an intriguing quote from Ghandi, which I'm not sure how it was related to the quote below. Its truly saddening to see such reactions come from a very misunderstood group of people. While I personally don't agree with the question posed, I do understand how it feels to be so misrepresented and ridiculed for one's beliefs. Recent news commentators have reminded us that The LDS Church as an institution is anything but respected among some people. Few things get my goat more than those who refuse to try to understand our religion. I know that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I totally respect that right. Too many wars have been fought and too much innocent blood has been spilt over this issue. But, when someone tries to tell me they know my religion better than me when they themselves have not lived it, or they try to separate me from other Christian groups, I can lose it pretty quick if I'm not careful. To those who believe or question whether or not we are Christians, I refer you to a talk given by one of the apostles, or main leaders, of our church today.
I am not asking that you conform to my beliefs, but I ask that you show the same respect that you desire for your own creed and beliefs and that you understand where I come from. Just because we as members of this church do not hold to some of the same beliefs as other mainstream Christian churches does not make us any less Christian than anyone else in the world. I hope that we will show people of all creeds, beliefs, races, sexual orientations, from every walk of life, the love that Jesus Christ wants us all to share. I pray that we will recognize that we are all brothers and sisters in spirit, sons and daughters of God, and that we will treat each other as such. :)

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