Come listen to living prophets

Sunday, November 13, 2011

An Awesome Weekend

Yesterday I had the opportunity to volunteer at the local teen book fair at the Provo Library. I got to be crowd control (in essence) in the Art Gallery for those who would come to get their books signed by the authors you see above: (L to R) Elana Johnson, Kristen Landon, Ally Condie, and Robison Wells. When people started to come in large lines, me and another girl would write their names on sticky notes and put them on their books to speed up the signing process. To be completely honest, I personally wanted this position to talk to Ally some more because I LOVE her books, but since she's so popular, she got a much bigger room entirely to herself for twice as much time as the other authors on the floor above. I stayed for another hour afterwards to listen to all four of the authors on a Q&A panel and asked Ally afterwards for her to sign my book. I explained I had been volunteering beforehand and didn't have a chance to leave during that time. She was way nice about it and signed my book. Rob (the author to her right on the panel) gave her a hard time for writing as much as she did and said, "Wow, you actually write a lot in there. i just sign people's books," and she told him to stop or she'd mess up what she was writing, which she didn't.
Today has been an amazing Sunday. The talks were so well done by the speakers. They had a central theme of The Book of Mormon, but each took a talk from the October Ensign from one of the apostles talking about the Book of Mormon and the role it plays in our lives. Then today in our New Testament class we covered a broad range of topics, one of them being making our calling and election sure. One particular scripture that stood out to me that we covered was 2 Peter 1:10. It reminded me how being diligent doesn't promise that our lives will be covered in butterflies and roses, but that we will be able to accomplish the things we need to and we will never fall. Sometimes I think Heavenly Father allows me to have the same trials, or ones similar to those in the past, because I never learn what I should have in the first place. I think one of those is having the ability to let go of things that we can't control. I'm so prone to want things to go just how I plan them and if they don't, there must be something that I can do to change them. But sometimes there's not. We just need to keep pressing forward with faith in Christ, knowing that someday, all the reasons for our struggles in this life will make sense, and they will be eternally worth it.

1 comment:

  1. I think sometimes the Lord allows us to have similar trials over and over to let us show Him if we've learned from the last time... :) Then line upon line, we learn more from each of these trials, adding upon what we did learn from the last one until we are perfected.
